Summer is a vibrant time in the kitchen garden with an abundant harvest of all the warm season fruits, vegetables and herbs. We are enjoying incredibly fresh, healthy, flavour filled goodness of homegrown produce as delightful rewards for our efforts.


February To Do List

• Summer is the entertaining season and regular harvesting from the edible garden will keep your summer feasting fresh and tasty but also keep the herbs, vegetables and fruiting plants productive and maximising the warm weather growth.

• Mulch, Mulch, Mulch! – great for saving precious water and making the most of any summer rains.

• Be Water Smart! It’s best to water first thing in the morning, to give your soil a chance to absorb all the moisture before it gets too hot.

• In the warm and humid weather watch out for and control fungal problems such as downy mildew and rust on susceptible plants.

• Be on bug watch. Bring in a phone picture to help us find the best solution.

• Prune annual plants as they begin to finish flowering and feed with fertiliser that is high is potassium to promote more flowers.

• Remove weeds before they seed

What to grow in February:


• Alyssum

• Calendula

• Nasturtium

• Vinca

• Dianthus

• Lobelia

• Zinnia

As well as looking great, flower beds also create a welcoming environment for all sorts of friendly beneficial insects.


It is certainly the season to enjoy the fruits of your labour but also the time to begin to prepare the edible garden for the months ahead.

In the Veggie Patch

Tropics Sub-tropical Arid Temperate
Asian Greens Asian Greens Basil Beetroot
Basil Basil French and Climbing Beans Broccoli
Capsicum Capsicum Beetroot Brussel Sprouts
Chilli Chilli Brussel Sprouts Cabbage
Cauliflower Carrot Carrot Carrot
Cucumber Chives Cauliflower Cauliflower
Celery Mediterranean Herbs* Celery Capsicum
Eggplant Leek Cucumber Celery
Sweet Corn Lettuce Eggplant Chives
Tomato Radish Leek Mediterranean Herbs*
Rocket Lettuce Kale
Spring Onion Parsley Leek
Sweet Corn Silverbeet Lettuce
Tomato Sweet Corn Mint
Radish Tomato Parsnip
Spring Onion Radish
Spring Onion

*Including Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Marjoram, and Oregano.